The Full Story
Kilsyth Festival
The Kilsyth Festival is held at the Elizabeth Bridge Reserve to highlight the communities’ natural resources and the day’s environmental focus. Through workshops and information stands the Kilsyth festival aims to educate people about how to look after the environment and lead sustainable lives. Market stalls and workshops are run by local businesses and community groups. The festival also offers live music, entertainment and food vendors. It is an opportunity for local businesses, community groups and schools to contribute and give back to the community.
Did you know?
The festival was first held in 2014 with the goal of inspiring more people to live in a healthy and environmentally sustainable way.
The festivals logo represents the long neck turtle, which you can find living at the Elizabeth Bridge Reserve, where the festival is held.
The festival was originally named the “Chelodina Festival, 'Chelodina' representing the scientific name for the Long Neck Turtle.
Two community groups, the Kilsyth Community Action Group (KCAG) and The Friends of Elizabeth Bridge Reserve, with a grant funded from the Yarra Ranges Council.
The KCAG is a group of local people working to improve Kilsyth for the whole community.
The Friends of Elizabeth Bridge Reserve Group aim to protect and preserve the reserve, while educating people about it.
Who are the organisers?
It gets better and better every year, so don’t miss out on all the fun the Kilsyth Festival has to offer.